products for elderly people living alone

Products That Help Elderly People Living Alone Enjoy Safety And Comfort

The last phase of our lives can be challenging and lonely, the children are all grown and away, and your friends are probably sick, dead, or far from you. But we can still make this stage of life interesting, safe, and comfortable. With the upgrade in different available products and technologies, life can just be as fun and safe at home.

Table Of Content

  1. Why an Elderly Person May Have to Live Alone. 
  2. Available Products That Help Elderly People Living Alone
  3. FAQs
  4. Conclusion


Products That Help Elderly People Living Alone Enjoy Safety And Comfort

Why an elderly person may have to live alone

Older adults may choose to live alone at a point in their life when all the kids are grown and busy with life, some older adults don’t have any family they depend on and may feel uncomfortable with the idea of moving to a nursing home. Often time a good option is to get a caregiver or any form of support, but sometimes help doesn’t come quickly, leaving the elderly person with no other option than to live alone. Older adults living alone must have the necessary products to help them stay safe and complete daily tasks with ease.

Available Products That are Useful to Elderly People Living Alone


1.   Non-Skid Shoes

2. Automatic Can and Jar Opener

3. Motion-Activated Night Lights

4. Grab Bars

5. Bath Mat

6. Shower Chair

7. Reacher Grabber

8. Medical Alert System

9. Smart locks

10. Health Monitoring Device

Non-slip/Gripper socks for the elderly 

This product increases the safety of older adults living alone by providing a firm grip on the floor and reducing the possibility of slipping, falling, or accidents. it comes with a cushioned sole for comfort and warmth. Non-slip socks are simple, inexpensive product that does a lot, a must-have for all older adults, this product is available in different designs and shapes for a different purposes.

Automatic Can and Jar Opener for the elderly 

Aging comes with different health issues, which could cause reduced muscle strength, both in the hands and wrist. Older adults living alone have to do a lot of can opening themselves, an automatic can and jar opening will help them do this without calling for help. It won’t only save them time but will help open different jars without putting stress on your fragile joints or causing any wrist discomfort.

Motion Activated Night Light

This device detects human motion at night and automatically turns it on. `This is a great safety product for the elderly, especially when installed in dim areas like hallways, closets, stairs, backyards, etc. it protects you from falls due to low visibility, you don’t have to fumble for the light switch when you quickly need to use the bathroom or when you get home late at night. This is a low-cost device that does a lot.

Bathroom Grab Bars

The bathroom is the most dangerous area for seniors, this is due to the wet and slippery nature of the bathroom according to the center for disease control 1 out of 4 older adults falls every year, and this fall results in injuries. Most of this fall takes place in the bathroom. Grab bars help keep you safe in the bathroom. There are different available Grab bar designs, some are easy to install, while some may require some extra help. If you ever experience balance loss while in the bathroom area, remember to quickly grab the bar

Suction Bath Mat

Falling while taking a bath is a nightmare any older adult living alone should strongly avoid because an accident in the bathtub without access to call or get help could cause serious damage. As earlier mentioned most falls happen in the bathroom. A suction bathmat is a notable product that safeguards older adults from bathroom falls, it features a strong suction cup that ensures the shower mat sticks firmly and in place while you enjoy maximum safety during shower time.

Reacher Grabber

Also called “helping hand”, this is a handheld device that works as an arm extension, used to increase your reach when grabbing an object. This is very useful to older adults living alone for grabbing object over the shelf or picking an item from the floor, you wouldn’t want to climb a stool to grab an item from the shelf as this pose risk of a fall, you may also have difficulty bending down, a Reacher grabber ensures you stay comfortable alone.

Medical Alert System 

This is a personal emergency device that provides help once a fall is detected, by either dialing a hospital or any connected support, this allows you peace of mind knowing that you’re just a press away from getting help. A medical alert system is a must-have device for all elderly people staying alone, this product is available in different brands offering different features.

Smart Lock

Older adults have a higher risk of becoming victims of robbery, especially when you stay alone, so choosing the right way to secure your home is essential to keep you safe. With a smart lock, and keyless system you don’t have to worry about losing your keys. Its auto-lock feature also ensures your house is always locked, so you don’t need to worry about forgetting to lock your doors.

Health Monitoring Device 

These are devices (often wearable) that keep track of your health, from heart rate to blood pressure, Electrocardiogram (ECG), and fitness, these data are transferred directly to your doctor or caregivers. This gives you the peace of knowing your health is being monitored by professionals in real-time.

Frequently Asked Questions On Elderly Person Living Alone:


When Should an Older Adult Stop Living Alone?

When an elderly person develops health issues that make it difficult to concentrate, maintain balance, or carry out the basic daily task, this is a key indicator that it’s time to stop living alone and seek the necessary support. 

How Can You Help an Elderly Person Living Alone?

Older adults living alone often feel lonely, offering them your time can be valuable, and stopping over for a chat or a simple phone call is often appreciated. You can also research for organizations that support older people in your locality and volunteer to help the elderly with their tasks and share your time.



Older adults can live alone, although doctors and health professionals may advise against it many older adults have limited options, so most of them live alone. There are currently different available products to help you live comfortably and safely.





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